A Declaration is a block of text data the engine reads in. There are 18 Declaration Types
Common Declarations
EntityDefinition - Entity definitions. Example: The player's entity definition defines the player's max health, starting weapons, etc.
ModelDefinition - Model definition. Defines mesh information, animation information, etc
MaterialDeclaration - Defines a material.
SoundDeclaration - Defines a sound.
EffectDeclaration - Defines an effect. Created using the FXEditor.
ModelExportDeclaration - Defines model export parameters.
MapDefinition - Defines information about maps. Example: A map's file size, which multiplayer gametypes it supports, etc.
Less Common Declarations
TableDeclaration - Defines a lookup table of values. Example: Materials can use the sintable lookup table to modulate texture coordinates based on a sine wave.
SkinDeclaration - Defines a skin, which maps a new material onto a given surface.
MaterialTypeDeclaration - Defines types of materials.
LipsyncDeclaration - Defines lipsync information.
AFDeclaration - Defines an articulated figure. Created using the AFEditor.
Legacy/Unused Declarations
PlaybackDeclaration - Player movement playback definition.
CameraDefinition - Cinematic camera definitions. Defines parameters for cameras used in in-game cinematics.
PDADeclaration - PDA definition. Doom 3 legacy.
VideoDeclaration - Video Disc definition. Doom 3 legacy.
AudioDeclaration - Audio Disc definition. Doom 3 legacy.
EMailDeclaration - E-mail definition.