Loading the Editor

In Quake 4, like in Doom 3, the LevelEditor is actually part of the game executable. Load the game, then press Alt+Enter to go to windowed mode (you may experience issues loading it in fullscreen). Drop the console (Ctrl+Alt+~) and type 'editor.' (The period, while grammatically correct, is not part of the command!) Poof! You now have the editor up and running. Take some time to customize your layout and you're ready to go.

Setting up Shortcuts: To load the editor from a shortcut, copy your game shortcut and modify it as follows to form your editor shortcut:

"...\Quake4.exe" +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor

Your r_fullscreen settings are saved each time you run the game or editor, so adjust your game shortcut with:

"...\Quake4.exe" +set r_fullscreen 1

Here are some other useful parameters you can add to your shortcut:

The Next Step: Building a Basic Room

LevelEditor Loading (last edited 2005-11-09 15:54:33 by AndrewWeldon)